Monday, August 15, 2011

A Second Time Around

Ahh yes. It's that time again. The heat of the summer is in full swing and August is upon us. This can only mean one thing: school. We started a week and a half ago and my second year of medical school is already on full blast. A full week of class is in the books and we have a test next week. Our work is never done! I have my research project to finish which is also keeping me busy. So far, so good since we are in cardiovascular system which is right up my alley. As a future vascular surgeon, CV is the highlight of my year. The problem is, it's first. Now what am I going to look forward to?! Board study I suppose is the answer to that question. Since I have to take my first round of boards at the end of May, that's another exciting thing I get to do this year. But, I love it so I can't complain too much.

Aside from that, not much else is going on. My trip to London back in July was amazing. I had the best time with my dad and I would love to go back. We did so much but I feel like there's still a ton I missed. Maybe someday soon I'll go back to visit. You know, once people stop rioting and burning places to the ground. Until then...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Back to the Beginning

It's been a long time since I last updated the blog. So, I guess it's time to give the rundown. First, year one of medical school is done. It's still hard to believe that the time has flown by so fast. It's on to systems courses and while it may be different, it's not exactly easier. There's still always something to do. However, being that it's summer break, I'll take some time to forget about least for the time being.

Speaking of studying, I'm working with one of my pharmacology professors this summer on a work study project. I'm investigating the effects of certain drugs on tissue injuries following a heart attack. I won't go into too many details here but basically the return of oxygen to the heart following an attack often sets of a series of events which can lead to further tissue injury. We are looking at preventing that. Pretty cool. I'll be presenting my results at the school in October and then taking the poster to the annual AOA student research conference later that month. I'm excited. It's been interesting.

Despite the research, I'm trying to find time to enjoy myself this summer. I'm going to London with my dad in a few weeks. We'll be there 5 days and I'm really looking forward to that. I'll be sure to update the blog during and after the trip so there is an account of the fun.

And now, the biggest news: Hockey. As we all know, I was a diehard Atlanta Thrashers fan. Some may find that comical, but I found it to be a big part of my life. Many people think that because the team is in the South that we don't have any fans. Not true. We had some of the greatest fans and most loyal fans in sports. Our group may have been small compared to the other "hockey" cities but it was always an awesome environment and I was glad to be a part of it. Since the Atlanta Spirit Group bought the team, the downward slide has caused the team to be sold and moved to Winnipeg. Atlanta doesn't deserve a team. There aren't any fans in Atlanta and should be sent to Canada where real hockey fans are. People there don't know hockey. Etc, etc. I find these statements insulting and ludicrous. I was a fan and I know my hockey. In fact, I just won the Playoff Challenge at over everyone in Canada. I take my team seriously and other fans do too. Ownership caused this migration and it's not fair. But, since I don't have the money to purchase the team, there's nothing I can do. And so now I must say goodbye. It's not easy but it has to be done. I will look back on the memories of following my favorite team with fondness. I won't soon forget the friends I have made and while we will be cheering for different teams from now on, we're all Thrashers at heart. I'm from Buffalo and have always followed the Sabres. Some of my earliest hockey memories were watching Sabres playoff games on ESPN after I moved to Atlanta. I'll go back to rooting for them and it's nice to be in touch with my roots. It may be an unpopular decision among my Thrasher friends, but it had to be done. I still love you guys. And now, we all move on. As the team moves away, and times change, we will all go our separate ways. Nevertheless, we will carry each other in our hearts and will not soon forget the happiness we shared. Farewell, Thrashers. We hardly knew thee...