Friday, July 30, 2010

It's a New Dawn, It's a New Day...

They tell me that time flies. I suppose they're right. One week ago I was in a Budget truck with my possessions behind me and my car in tow. Today I am sitting in my office in Lewisburg enjoying the comfortable summer day. Back in January, I never thought this day would come. When will I be moving and be able to start school?! It seems so far away. I have plenty of time. The air was freezing cold and the Thrashers still had Ilya Kovalchuk as the captain. A few months later it seemed closer but there was so much else to do that I could put off moving for yet another day. And now here we are. Orientation for medical school starts on Monday and I'm already moved into my new place. So yes, I suppose they're correct. Time really does fly.

I miss everyone back in Atlanta, but I am definitely enjoying myself up here so far. The move could not have gone any better. We made great time getting here despite the painfully slow ride up the mountains of West Virginia and Virginia. Getting into my car made it feel like a Shelby GT500 and not the V6 that it is. It was hot on Saturday but we got it done before it got unbearable outside. We were able to put the ramp to the truck right into my front door over the porch steps so it was like a loading dock. That came in handy big time. It took some work but I got everything in order and I'm ready to take on the school year.

Yesterday I took a ride up to the New River Gorge Bridge. It is just outside Fayetteville, WV which is about an hour from here. Well, it's more like an hour and a half but the Mustang and I did pretty well around some of the mountain twists and turns ;) It is the longest arch bridge in the western hemisphere and the second highest in the world. It was the highest in the world up until a few years ago when the French built an aqueduct that's higher. Lousy frogs. Anyway, it was incredible. It really is amazing to see an engineering wonder that high above the ground. It was an amazing blend of man and nature. I think I will definitely be heading back up there soon for some calm unwinding.

That's about it for now. I am including just a few pictures. Those of you on facebook can see the whole album. If you're not on facebook but would like more pictures, send me a message and I'll email them to you. I hope everyone is doing well. I miss you guys and I hope to see everyone very soon. Take care.

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