Friday, August 13, 2010

I've Learned What?

And now the real game begins... The second week is now complete and the first full week of medical school classes is over. Looking back at what I've learned so far, it seems like I've completed an entire semester but it's only been 6 days of class! I'm working harder then I ever thought possible, but you know what, I love it. I'm tired and I need a mental break, but it's been worth it in this short time. 

Anatomy has been pretty intense and it's only getting worse. We've completed the back and moved on to the upper limb. I've taken 8 years of Spanish and I'm pretty sure I've studied close to the same amount of vocabulary this week. OK, maybe not that much, but it does feel that way. 

In the midst of that, we've started OPP and Clinical Skills which makes it seem real. Yeah, it's how to take a patient history, but it's still exciting. Student Doctor Sorci would like to know what brings you in today. How can I help you today? It has a nice ring to it. 

So, things are moving along nicely. It seems like there's no possibility that I'll ever learn all of this stuff, but I'm confident that I'll get through. Two more weeks until the first Anatomy exam and 8 more weeks of Anatomy. That doesn't sound so bad after all. 

I hope everyone back in Atlanta is doing well. I still miss everyone but I'm getting by. Until next time...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

One Week

Well, the first week is in the books. It's been 4 days of orientation and one day of class and I already feel behind! The message all week is keep your head above water and DON'T FALL BEHIND! That almost seems impossible. With the new schedule, we have 9 weeks of Gross Anatomy and that's pretty much by itself (with the exception of Clinical Skills and OPP). For those of you who don't know, OPP is Osteopathic Principles and Practice. More on that another time. Anyway, it's nice to not have to focus on 15 other classes, but at the same time, 9 weeks of anatomy is intense and a little frightening. There's so much time and so little to do...strike that, reverse it. Seriously, it doesn't seem possible but I'll get it done.

Where to begin? That seems to be the pressing issue so far. A million things have been thrown at us all week. Don't get behind, study lab, look at objectives, read this, don't read that, no wait go ahead and read that just in case, know this, and did I mention don't get behind? It just seems like there are a thousand things to do and about a day to do them in. Oh well. As one of our professors said in lecture yesterday, this is medical school, dearhearts.

Overall, the week has gone well. I've met some great people so far and I'm really happy with my choice of schools. The faculty and administration is very helpful and it's just a great environment. I really look forward to working with everyone and it should be an awesome experience. I'll keep everyone updated as we progress. Speaking of not getting behind, it's time to study. Until next time...